In London the cheapest barrister for a one day final hearing is about 5k.Do you have anyone representing you for the criminal hearing? I’m not that up in this but I thought you were always entitled to a lawyer if it’s a criminal matter (via legal aid).
Yes it’s a good idea to have a barrister for a final hearing - it’s quite a crucial time where the outcome can affect yours and the kids lives. A barrister is also an advocate - they speak for you (which a McKenzie friend can’t). They can say things you can’t say - they can persuade Judges with clever arguments using caselaw. If you can possibly raise or borrow about 4k for a barrister for a final hearing it could save years of headache.
It’s xxit that we have to pay all that money to see our kids but it’s the way the law works in these situations with difficult exes.
Having said that - it needs to be the right person (barrister).
It is difficult to know when it is the right person (barrister)