For a 2/3years now my then girlfriend would often state that she feels worthless and no one likes or loves her and because of the bond me and my boy had, she often said to us that she wants a dog so she has something to cuddle up to, as me and my boy would sit on the same seat when I was at home for the last 5 years. She would say everyday that I am forcing him against her and he doesn’t listen to her, which I did notice he would ignore her sometimes, but she never helped herself as she would isolate herself on her phone with headphones in on the other sofa. This only got worse once he started school last year as we would both finish at the same time so this didn’t give her any alone time with him. With her working nights at the weekends, she also missed most of the days out we had and would blame me for that, even tho we offered every time, but she would be ether to tired or to busy, so this made them grow further apart. Even at home I would get accused of turning him against her, for example, I would take him bed every night and when I said bedtime to him, he would run away from me, which I loved cause it was a little thing we did for years, but every time his mother would say to him come here and give me cuddle and she would say love you, now sometimes he would come and say night and love you and other times he would commit to running away from me to try and hide, after reading his book I would then come down to her shouting at me that I do this on purpose so he didn’t say night or love you, I would always reply by saying she could of followed us upstairs and say night that way in which she would reply “what’s the point”. I could see that she was getting more jealous of our bond and more upset that he didn’t have the same with her. This caused a lot of tension between me and her and we slowly drifted away from each other. His mother goes to a festival with her dad every year so last year I decided that seen as tho I have to book a week off, I would get his passport booked to go away. This caused a lot of friction and we argued about it so instead I took him to London, this still caused a bit of a problem as this was his first proper time away. Anyway after the trip and once she returned she would make comments like do I want a photo album for everything he does without his mum. So after this I said to her if she gets a passport I will take us all away for Christmas, she never ended up getting a passport so we just stayed at home, still a nice Christmas. Just after this the tickets got released for the same festival for this year so she booked them as usual and I booked time off. Then in January this year I booked flights to Germany to go to a theme park there, my boy initially picked Disney land but I used her by saying that his mum would like to go there with us, ( plus I wasn’t a big fan of idea, but it was his choice to where we go) with this he see a water park in Germany and he was sold to that idea. So after it all was booked, she was very unhappy to say the least, but I would always say to her what else should we do if we have a week off,( this is in the summer holidays) we might as well make the most of it. A month or so later we split up. We had been split for couple of months from January and we stopped in separate rooms. She applied for single at counsel and was waiting for a house, in the mean time it was very open in the house between us two and the child that we was going to separate and would have conversations between all of us of what to expect. In one of these conversations she mentioned that one day all his stuff would be gone when I return from work, in which the boy replied saying he wants to stay with me. I could see it hurt her feelings and it would have mine, so I stated to him that he could stay at mine some nights and stay with her some nights. 2 weeks after this I’ve come home to find everything gone. I panicked about asking police, social, and other parties and they all gave me same answers, that he safe and go get solicitor so I did, once I did this I filed a c100 to push it faster to court as could not cope with the date they gave me (23/04/24) as i have never spent a day without him since he was born. She did not turn up and the court said they will give her benefit of doubt and to keep original date. I’ve not seen or heard his voice since beginning of march and it is killing me, the only information I have received is from her social worker saying that she is in a refuge, because she has gone to housing stating coercive control by me. I believe she has done this for couple of reason. 1:being she wanted a house faster from counsel, 2: after what the boy had said about living with me, she has used this to take him away. 3: she has been trying to stop this holiday from happening since she heard it was booked, and what better way than to get me to spend all the savings on court and solicitors. I had always been strict with my boy on certain things but I have never controlled anything she did, I am now worried that because I can’t defend myself against whatever allegations she has made towards me. Like I have said we were very open and calm about splitting up to all of a sudden this bomb has hit me. I’m trying to stay strong for my boy but can’t help feeling that I’m going to be pushed out of his life. Sorry for the story but reading other people’s stories has helped me in some ways and upset me in others, so just thought I will let it out on here.