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The dreaded “CAFCASS Safeguarding call”


Experienced member
Hi all,

I had my safeguarding call yesterday. The guy was extremely condescending and patronising. I think that he is going to cause a lot of problems judging by how the phone call went.

I felt anxious leading up to the call due to the amount of emotions and heartache it brings up talking about everything.

I left feeling completely depleted and unheard. I felt like I was just going around in circles and not listened to.

I’m dreading the safeguarding report now.

Sorry to hear that. It maybe wasn't as bad as you think. I had a horrible safeguarding call once for enforcement. Cafcass officer was very rude, very abrupt and it was a short call. And really sounded like she didn't like me. Her report was spot on though.

The thing is - it's not about being heard - it's about them trying to ascertain various things by asking you certain questions or getting you talk about certain things. What was it he said that was condescending and patronising?
Sorry to hear that. It maybe wasn't as bad as you think. I had a horrible safeguarding call once for enforcement. Cafcass officer was very rude, very abrupt and it was a short call. And really sounded like she didn't like me. Her report was spot on though.

The thing is - it's not about being heard - it's about them trying to ascertain various things by asking you certain questions or getting you talk about certain things. What was it he said that was condescending and patronising?

He kept talking over me, he overlooked my concerns and wasn’t interested. Kept saying “you’ve said that already”

I said I just want to get along and co-parent together. He said but you might never get along and not talk. I said yes! But we have to be amicable for our child.

Children need to see their parents putting their differences aside and working together healthily.

The conflict is one sided and my narrative has been child-focused from the very beginning of our separation and this is heavily documented.
That sounds like the nasty one I had that sounded rude and impatient and kept interrupting me and dismissing things I said. But the report was ok when it came. Wait and see what the report says. Part of that is they are supposed to report what each parent has said and their views so he can't not report what you said!
Sounds like you handled it well and the cafcass officer was trying to rattle you
No but I wish I did. My barrister asked me to write my interpretation of the call so that he can be cross-examined if needed in the future.
I found the initial call tough but when I listened back I realised it wasn't that bad. It just felt it as it felt like an interrogation.

Sounds like it went fine from what you've said