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Near breaking point, coping strategies?


Experienced member
Hi everyone,

Does anyone having coping strategies for when you get to near breaking point?

Feeling so helpless with the parental alienation by ex and the false allegations against me.

I'm in the early stages of counselling.
Counselling is a good move. If it doesn't feel right, switch counsellor rather than giving up.

In my darkest moments, I tried to make sure I kept going for long walks. I found taking a different route to and from somewhere really good. Tried to discover new parts of my area. I made things for my child as well. Drawings, videos, voice notes, painted stones, jewellery...

Helplines have been a lifesaver for me. Explaining my fears and desperation to somebody helps me to have the emotional response my body and mind need me to have. Lots of people find journalling useful. It helped me a couple of times.

Don't be hard on yourself. It is impossible to get everything right and to have all the energy you need. Sometimes, just surviving is success enough.

In my imagination, I have my child as the judge of my actions and motivations. It is by that standard I try to live. It comforts me to feel there is nothing I would hide from an adult version of my baby.
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It was long walks for me too but I wasn't on my own and had a partner. If you're struggling and feeling desperate, you can phone the Samaritans any time. Sometimes a counselling appointment doesn't happen at the time you really need it so don't hesitate to call the Samaritans. Some of them are really good and it's surprising how helpful it can be and get you through a crisis moment. They are all different so if it's one that isn't helping and it doesn't feel right, just end the call and ring back and you'll get another one.

The number is 116 123

Sounds cheesy. This forum was very helpful for me, without even having to post anything. I found reading pages and pages of other people going through the same really helpful for my mental stability. Might not work for everyone but knowing someone else has been through worse, better and their journey really really helped me. If I wasn’t sleeping I would read this and in return coming on here and talking helped my child arrangements- hands down I wouldn’t have what I have now if it wasn’t for this forum. It was like I gained strength and focus from other peoples pains - backhanded I know.

Don’t break. Keep going
I think trying to keep busy can be a big thing. Like if you've not got the kids at the weekend trying to make plans even if it's just you getting out for the day on your own (admittedly not as easy when the weather is bad this time of year)
There is a lot of good advice on this thread from everybody.

The process you are in is just a maze, it looks complex but there is a way through it out to the other side.
I've used the variety of coping mechanisms mentioned & each of them have helped in different ways at different times.

Feel around each of the suggestions & find the one that fits you personally - this will change as you are at different points of your situation
In the meantime, as @Roblox has mentioned, keep yourself scheduled to be busy, set some personal goals be it work, health or otherwise.

Also check out the other threads on this sub section & see if any of those strike a chord with you.

We're always here, sometimes we just need a pick me up, I've asked for & had that a few times at my lowest points.
Distract. All the time. Anything to take your mind off it. Bingewatch. Gaming. Try something new. Creative is best, a new skill. Cooking, writing, drawing, painting, playing an instrument. If you have people to talk to then do, but be careful of that, as people don't want to hear it really. And few will understand unless they've been through it. Try to become self contained.

Whatever you do, don't worry about being selfish. You're not. You're just surviving.
I've been really struggling this week, it just feels that the future is looking bleak.

Any advice/tips on how to really accept the situation?
I've been really struggling this week, it just feels that the future is looking bleak.

Any advice/tips on how to really accept the situation?
Sorry to hear you are struggling mate.

I am coming up on 4 years in and I still struggle. So, not sure I can tell you how to accept the situation.

An interim measure is to give your head a break. Make a pledge to yourself that you will not check messages or act on any of your ideas for a day or two, maybe even three!

You have to step away from the fight sometimes I think. Something I am not good at doing. This morning I did for the first time in quite a while, only for about 4 hours. It helped.

And, let those feelings out - tears, exercise, screaming at the stars, prayer... Whatever it takes 😢💪😢
Sorry to hear you are struggling mate.

I am coming up on 4 years in and I still struggle. So, not sure I can tell you how to accept the situation.

An interim measure is to give your head a break. Make a pledge to yourself that you will not check messages or act on any of your ideas for a day or two, maybe even three!

You have to step away from the fight sometimes I think. Something I am not good at doing. This morning I did for the first time in quite a while, only for about 4 hours. It helped.

And, let those feelings out - tears, exercise, screaming at the stars, prayer... Whatever it takes 😢💪😢
Thanks @Resolute wow 4 years, that is a long time.