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Im so deflated already after only the 1st cafcas call :(


New member
Hi all,

I'm so deflated and questioning if dad's ever get a good outcome in the eyes of cafcas and I've only just begun this god awful journey!

Short and curlys is the same as most- toxic gaslightinh ex using the child as a weapon

Lb is just over 1, I'm not on birth cert as she's used it as a weapon through the last 15 months using the excuse of when I can prove myself (as a partner she meant not as a dad) , we've re-booked Registration 3 times, she was dangling it on a string then failed to turn up, next it was ill never be on BC because the way I treated her during the pregnancy (she told me at 7 month preg she'd slept with 3 different people and child isn't mine) the list goes on....

My court application is for PR, Shared care and his name to remain the same as first Registration after she completely stopped contact in July and changed his name be deep poll

I have a mountain of evidence to prove her toxic gasslighting ways even the name change was sent to a relatives friend who she's never met to gaslight me and get a reaction (she never got the reaction she wanted)

My 1st cafcas call was Tuesday, I thought it went well explained my reasons for applying, kept it child focused and didn't use it to bash mum but admitted to it being a toxic relationship not without its issues and explained we don't get on ect

The cafcas lady said she doesn't see the need at this time in a section 7 so would recommend a first hearing but she has call with ex on the Thurs and keep a look out for the email Thursday at 4pm

They spoke to my ex on Thursday and I've heard nothing from them at all

The 20 days were up Friday at the latest

A bit of back n firth today with the ex and she's taken great pleasure in telling me cafcas are recommending the application for name on BC & PR is closed as

"it will give me too much power"

After she told them the reason for her not putting me on BC was because I said "we're gonna send him to a orphanage".
I did say this when he was 2 days old... we were both sleep deprived and it was a joke!
She's never used this as a reason before it's just been her having control and dangling it as a Carrott

How twisted can someone be!!!!

She's also told me their recommending 2 days a week maximum

I had him minimum 2 nights (1 week i even had him 5 nights) a week before she spat her dummy out over a £20 drop in money 1 week that's why she stopped contact with me and my whole family completely.

We tried mediation with 3 nights a week on the table in August but ex kept changing her mind and failed to attend Birth Cert appointment again with no reason given so I stopped mediation and sent court papers in

Im 20 years old trying to do the right thing... trying to provide a better life for my lb

I know he's young but I've applied for shared care in the hope when he's older I can have him equal time (a week about) at least that way I can give him half the life he deserves.

Not even at the first hurdle and feel completely deflated and broken 💔
It's not all bad. Two days a week is ok for a 1 year old. It's quite hard to get shared care when they're this young. A standard order is 4 nights a fortnight - every other week-end and one midweek overnight. That can actually be shared care as well, but not 50/50 obviously. Usually you need 5 nights for shared care. Although courts often order what Cafcass recommends, there is a chance of arguing for a bit more at a final hearing.

I wouldn't mention it being a toxic relationship again. Cafcass just see that as a problem with you (even though it takes two people to have a toxic relationship).

Might be better if you don't get into dialogue with your ex. How can the application for PR be closed if they're going to allow you two days a week? If you're going for PR you should ask for a DNA test as well - if you haven't had one. You might feel completely differently if you find out the child isn't yours.
Thank you.
Probably like everyone else going through this... it feels like honesty gets you no where.

On reading your other threads it seems like this is quite normal behaviour from cafcas and ex's.

I haven't put a DNA on the order but was thinking of asking for one anyway especially with what's she's stated while pregnant.

I have legal represtation but ex is representing herself as she unable to get legal aid.

I'm wanting an order that increases shared care as lb gets older.
Was this safeguarding call? If it was then the purpose is to investigate if there are any safeguarding concerns. As Cafcass have said there isn't and are not recommending a S7 I don't see how they could be so specific in what they are recommending other than interim direct/supervised/indirect/no contact in a safeguarding call. I would wait until you get the letter as it doesn't add up to me what the ex has said. To recommend something so specific would only come from a S7 in my opinion.