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Cafcass Safeguarding Interview


Well-known member
I just had my interview with Cafcass.

The FCA seemed really nice. She explained things to me regarding what happens and explained what safeguarding letter is and was going out of her way to be helpful.

I was very child focussed and followed the advice on here and said I was keen to co-parent amicably. She said my answers were really helpful.

She said I would get their safeguarding letter next week.

She said she's tried to contact mother several times without success and would keep trying. Will that reflect badly on mother in their safeguarding letter?

I got the impression I may have them on side, this FCA at least, but I guess I will find out next week when i get their letter.

I really hope they are recommending to just make a final order, don't want to be having to go through court just so our child can love and spend time with both parents / families.
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That's great news and I hope you get a good safeguarding letter and recommendation to go straight to a first hearing. There would always be a first hearing (FHDRA) to see if agreement could be brokered or reached for a consent order, and if no agreement then it would go to a final hearing.

Unfortunately it won't reflect badly on your ex that they couldn't contact her. They will keep trying. Someone else on here had that recently, and in the end I believe Cafcass just sent her a questionnaire to fill in. If a Dad misses an interview you can end up just missing out and the report written without your input! But the system is generally more weighted towards Mothers sometimes and they keep trying with the Mother!

If your ex doesn't respond to anything at all they may well write the safeguarding letter without her input but that would be unusual.
Thanks, fingers crossed.

The FCA was pretty clear, she had a deadline to file the letter by next week and if ex didn't answer phone she would be sending the letter to court without her input and saying she'd been unable to speak to Mother.

It feels like a long wait until next week and the suspense of not knowing what they will say is killing me.

I really hope they get it right for my son, it's a bit nerve racking.

I just want to be able to get on with my life, not having to deal with court stuff.