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Article in the Guardian today

It's disgusting isn't it? I pointed that out on Twitter! It is very similar to the Channel 4 Dispatches programme - one sided, biased narrative, quoting from the same three radfem PA deniers (Barnett, Proudman and Lndon Victims Commissioner). It's nothing short of progaganda.

And they chose to publish that in the run up to Fathers Day. It's not a new argument - Proudman and Barnett have been harping on for ages that psychologists who diagnose PA are "unregulated". Really? They are court appointed! If the court considers them suitable ............

I have actually been quite horrified at both the Guardian and the Independent recently (and will never consider them to be newspapers again) at the amount of biased anti men stuff they have been publishing. They did it throughout the Depp Heard trial as well - publishing Proudman et al and sympathising with Amber Heard and calling her a victim. Even after the verdict! One Guardian writer called the trial "an orgy of misogyny" (erm - did she watch it or see the evidence?). Another Independent writer called Johnny Depp "legally a domestic abuser in the Uk" after he was exonerated by the US verdict.

It's absolute man hatred! Thanks for linking it because I had thought of doing that too.

Incidentally they are now investigating that Channel 4 dispatches programme after massive complaint. So what do the three witches do? Put it all the same content in the Guardian instead.
It is incredibly lazy reporting, no analysis, not the vaguest attempt to get at what is underneath people's words. Didn't even notice the irony in outrage at professionals having a financial interest in the outcome. If ever I get some peace, and a stress free afternoon, I'll have a go at critiquing this nonsense.
Please do! It is only since the Depp Heard trial I have been able to see how biased the Independent and Guardian are. Strangely, the Daily Mail has been quite neutral in their reporting. But then Dr Proudman et al probably ignore the Daily Mail!
I saw that "orgy of misogyny" stuff doing the rounds on twitter. Desperate last retreat of people who got it wrong and are incapable of reflecting on their position.
It's just gender ideology by journalists who are radfems. Whatever happened to good, unbiased reporting?