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  • The Emotional effects post divorce
    That is both a tough and heartwarming story stellafilms. Maybe you'd like to post on the main forum - it might give some hope to some. Comments...
    • Ash
  • The Emotional effects post divorce
    I am writing this to say that for any dads out there, my mother tried to alienate me from my father. 45 years on I still struggle with immense...
    • stellafilms
  • Write to your MP - Easy letter writing service.
    Hi Ash I agree with you. I also think I am well placed to make this documentary, both as a filmmaker but also as a woman who has seen both sides...
    • stellafilms
  • Write to your MP - Easy letter writing service.
    That is exactly the point I make - it does harm to genuine victims of abuse when people make false allegations. It would be great if you make a...
    • Ash
  • Write to your MP - Easy letter writing service.
    Hello we are experiencing this at the moment. I have written to my mp as my son, who is only 23, has been put through the most appalling ordeal by...
    • stellafilms